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Our techs always love hearing from customers they've helped out. Even if it's their job, it's still nice to hear it was a job well done.

Take this email we received about residential tech agent Jesse M., for example:

He is described as the “end all fixer of fixers” – April’s You-Make-The-Difference Award winner is Dave Sill!

Originally from Lexington, MO (like last month's winner!), Dave studied at Columbia College before starting at Socket, where he’s been for over 15 years.

“It would probably be quicker to list the roles I haven’t had with Socket,” said Dave. “Right now I’m the ‘Internal Network Operations Manager.’ Whatever that means.”

It’s finally starting to feel like spring, which is great news for Socket’s Softball team – it’s hard to get in the spirit when the temperature’s in the low 50s!

The team will be playing on Rainbow Field in Columbia most Friday nights, as part of Columbia’s Adult Coed Softball League. If you’re looking for something to do with the family on Friday nights, come check it out!