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Congratulations to Scott Stratman, Network Facilities Manager, on winning this month’s You-Make-The-Difference award!

Other than owner George Pfenenger, Scott is the longest service employee at Socket, having started here back in 1996. At the time, the company had fewer than a dozen employees, and only sold dial-up Internet service (we've grown a lot)!

Congratulations to John McCrady, Business Center Analyst, for being named the November recipient of Socket’s You-Make-The-Difference award!

After being encouraged to apply by several of his friends who already worked here, John started in residential tech support about three years ago. Since then, he's worked his way up to the business center, helping customers with their service issues and acting as a resource for his fellow agents.

Congratulations to Jim Quisenberry, Field Services Technician, for being named the October recipient of Socket’s You-Make-The-Difference award!

Jim started at Socket in 2012 as a field services technician, and was soon promoted to department supervisor. Additionally, he is now responsible for the development of a construction team for Socket’s outside plant builds, including fiber drops for both residential and business customers.