It's Socket tradition to get ready for the Rootin' Tootin' Chili Cookoff by having our own competition in the office - and it sure does make the break room smell wonderful!

This year's cookoff will be held on February 28th at the Columbia Holiday Inn and Expo Center. It's looking to be the biggest event yet, judging by the growth over the past few years!

Yesterday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler proposed what are arguably the strongest net neutrality rules to date – classifying Internet service as a utility, which would allow it to be regulated in much the same way as phone service

While the full text has not been released yet, here’s what it looks like the proposal will do, based on the summary given...

After making some capacity upgrades to our new Fiber network, we were able to increase our speeds tenfold to our current customers!

What better way to celebrate than giving away ten years of Internet?

These ten lucky Callaway County residents received a free year of Fiber Internet service each...