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A few weeks ago, Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon introduced a piece of legislation called the “Data Cap Integrity Act,” a move he elaborated on at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

As we’ve mentioned before, Socket doesn’t implement data caps for a variety of reasons. Senator Wyden’s legislation points out a few more things that consumers should know about the purpose of data caps, and what effect they actually have on Internet usage.

As high-speed Internet connections and data-heavy applications become more common, more Internet service providers are implementing data caps or overage fees in order to restrict or limit their customers' usage. It's important for Internet users to understand how data caps can affect their own services, as well as the Internet overall.

USB flash drives have rapidly dropped in price over the last few years, now being common enough to appear on back-to-school lists and even vending machines. Kingston’s newest announced model, though, might be a bit too pricey for that – it’s projected to cost at least $2000 for the thumb-sized device.