Don't Get Caught in a Phisher's Net!


Occasionally, we get reports from our users that they’ve received suspicious emails… from us!

These “official emails” usually notify recipients that their accounts have been suspended, and that they need to click a certain link to reinstate it. These messages are not from Socket! But by spoofing actual notifications we’ve sent in the past, spammers can make their traps look pretty convincing.
Therefore, it's important to be cautious when you receive emails that appear to be legitimate requests from reputable companies. “Phishers” can use fake emails to ask you for passwords, IDs, and other sensitive information, in the guise of a company you trust.
Here are some tips on identifying phishing emails:

  • Businesses should never ask you to submit personal information via email. If they do, forward the email to the business to verify its validity, or contact them via phone or in person.

  • Look for phishing characteristics. Phishing messages often contain spelling, grammatical or other errors. See examples of phishing emails or check a suspicious email online at

  • Exercise caution when clicking links in an e-mail. Links can be masked to direct you to a different website than the one listed. Hold your mouse over the link and look at the bottom of your browser window to see if the links match. If not, it could be a scam. When in doubt, type links directly into your address bar to be sure you are visiting the intended website.

  • Use a spam filter and antivirus software to minimize phishing emails. A spam filter can block many phishing emails from entering your inbox. Utilize an antivirus program to protect against unwanted files that could rob you of personal information.

Take just a few minutes to learn about phishing and how to protect yourself. Your chances of falling victim to a costly scam will be greatly minimized.