25 Most Common Passwords... Are You Using One Of Them?

Is your password on this list? Then you might want to change it.

According to SplashData, an online security company, the easiest way for a hacker to break into an account is to simply try common passwords. So if your password is, well, “password,” you’ve made a hacker’s job very, very easy.

The following list is compiled from millions of passwords posted online by hackers, and is a fairly good estimate of some of the most commonly used passwords on the Web. If you’re using any of them, we recommend picking out a stronger one.

·  password
·  123456
·  12345678
·  qwerty
·  abc123
·  monkey
·  1234567
·  letmein
·  trustno1
·  dragon
·  baseball
·  111111
·  iloveyou
·  master
·  sunshine
·  ashley
·  bailey
·  passw0rd
·  shadow
·  123123
·  654321
·  superman
·  qazwsx
·  michael
·  football