Socket Sponsors the 2015 Polar Plunge!

While 60 degrees might be a little too warm to be called “Polar,” the water was definitely cold enough to shock the system, as our seven Plungers can attest to.

Seven socket employees standing outside with in wet Socket t-shirts hold a sign that says "don't worry, be happy"

Socket’s team members joined nearly 375 other brave Plungers on Saturday to raise money for Special Olympics Missouri. In all, it’s estimated that this year’s Polar Plunge brought in over $74,000 for local Special Olympics athletes.
Sleet and ice made the original date for the event a little too Polar to be safe, but the Plunge was still packed at this year’s new location. Plus, the warmer weather on the shore allowed for more spectators to cheer everyone on!
Socket is proud to be a sponsor of the Columbia Polar Plunge. If you’d like to learn more about this annual event, visit