It's always busy here in Tech Support after a spring thunderstorm strikes.

Storm-damaged computer equipment is more common than you probably think. Probably because a modem (and our other computer equipment) is one of the last things we think to protect in the event of inclement weather.

But it's not too difficult to avoid the hassle of replacing your modem--or, even worse, the cost of replacing your entire computer system.

Fiber directly to someone’s home?  You honestly think we could do that?

I recall these conversations vividly from almost ten years ago in a cramped little office above what is now Bangkok Gardens on Cherry Street in Columbia, MO. We had painted the walls, bought a used conference table, several faux leather couches and a lot of white boards to create a place that the owners of Socket could get away and talk about what’s next. 

Every month, Socket employees nominate and vote on a co-worker who best exemplifies our Core Values and Beliefs.

This month, we picked Nick Peña.

Nick's been around for a while. He first became a Sockteer almost 10 years ago, as a young, eager technical support representative. He worked his way through Socket, sporting a variety of hairstyles as he did--including a ponytail, mohawk and shaved head.