Step into the Marketing Gladiator realm with Allie Schomaker


Allie Schomaker


She’s been hailed as a “marketing gladiator” so it’s no wonder we named Allie Schomaker as July’s You-Make-the-Difference winner.

Allie’s been with Socket’s marketing department for the past seven years. She helps plan and implement campaigns, oversees Socket’s customer communications and works on various other marketing projects.  
“She’s one of the hardest working individuals I know at Socket,” said one of the five co-workers who nominated Allie for this month’s award. “We are very lucky to have her on our team.” 
Allie’s originally from Marceline, MO. When she’s not at Socket, she enjoys running and reading, as well as spending time with her husband and two daughters. She also has a not-so-secret obsession with Kenny Chesney. (Seriously. She's seen him in concert a dozen times in five different states.)
"I love that I am constantly learning and doing new things here," said Allie. "Socket is an awesome place, and I'm grateful to be a part of it."

Congratulations, Allie!