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Cyberbullying, like bullying, is the repeated use of threats, intimidation, humiliation or violence to cause harm to another. However, unlike regular bullying, cyberbullying can happen when the victim and perpetrator are separated, and at any time – day or night.

Because the use of texts, IMs, and social media are often beyond the sight of adults, it can be harder to notice the abuse. At the same time, it’s often easier for the abuse to spread, due to the ease with which online communications are shared.

We always love having Pepe's over for lunch at our Columbia office... although the delicious smells can make it difficult to concentrate!

Congratulations to Internal Auditor Sungwook Kim for being named the July recipient of Socket's You-Make the-Difference Award!

Sungwook is originally from Pusan, a port city on the southeastern part of South Korea.  He moved here nine years ago and began working for Socket in October 2010.  Sung received several nominations and votes from his co-workers this month.  “Sung is a great asset for Socket,” says a fellow employee. “He comes in early and stays late. He is diligent and thorough. Sung definitely deserves this award.”

When asked for his impression of Missouri, Sung replied that he loves this state.  Although he grew up as a city dweller, Sung has learned that he really enjoys Missouri’s beautiful outdoors.