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Scott Stratman holds Socketeer of the Year trophy

10 years ago, Socket’s owners decided to honor one of our monthly You-Make-The-Difference Award winners based on their embodiment of our Core Values and Beliefs. As a result, a yearly tradition was born.

We are pleased to announce our tenth annual winner of the Socketeer of the Year award – Scott Stratman!

Other than owner George Pfenenger, Scott is the longest serving employee at Socket, having started here back in 1996. At the time, the company had fewer than a dozen employees, and only sold dial-up Internet service (we've grown a lot)!

Since then, Scott has become our Network Facilities Manager, working to make sure Socket’s network remains healthy as we continually add new services to it. His years of knowledge and experience with Socket are always a valuable resource for teammates to draw on, as well.

Hopefully this winter will be fairly mild, and snowstorms won’t be a worry. But we’ve had a few storms in recent memory that have made it difficult for employees to travel to work. When that happens, how do you keep business going as usual?