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Congratulations to Adam Kunkel, Socket's You-Make-The-Difference Winner for March!

Born and raised in Fayette, MO, Adam attended Kansas State University before ultimately transferring and graduating from the University of Missouri.

Congratulations to Zach Crutcher, Technical Support Agent, on being Socket's You-Make-The-Difference Award Winner for February!

Originally from Moberly, Zach moved to Columbia two years ago after being accepted at Columbia College. Since it was only a few minutes away from his new school, Socket seemed like a good place to apply – and we’re glad he did!

"He's always willing to help, always has a plan, and is always taking the extra step to help customers," said a coworker who nominated him.

It's Socket tradition to get ready for the Rootin' Tootin' Chili Cookoff by having our own competition in the office - and it sure does make the break room smell wonderful!

This year's cookoff will be held on February 28th at the Columbia Holiday Inn and Expo Center. It's looking to be the biggest event yet, judging by the growth over the past few years!