Meet Brian Taylor, Socketeer of the Year!


Brian Taylor


Our December You-Make-The-Difference winner, Brian Taylor, hadn’t even received his certificate yet before learning that he was also voted our Socketeer of the Year. But since the trophy will take a week or two to be engraved, he’ll at least have something to hang on his wall in the meantime!

The Socketeer of the Year award was started 8 years ago, when Socket’s owners decided to honor one of the year’s monthly You-Make-The-Difference award winners based on their embodiment of our Core Values and Beliefs.

As our Outside Network Administrator, Brian is one of the people in charge of our voice and data network. He does everything from planning out and managing the network, to troubleshooting when things go wrong. And nothing keeps him from doing his job – not even winning this award.

That’s right: Brian had to be pulled from fixing our servers to hear the announcement at the Christmas party that he’d won. And guess what he did right after accepting the award? Here’s a hint – the servers got fixed that night.

It’s just another example of the selfless dedication and technical know-how that his fellow employees mentioned when nominating him. 

“Any time an issue arises, it is usually the case that Brian is already working on fixing it before anyone else has even noticed the problem,” said a co-worker.

“We couldn't operate the way we currently do without him...simple as that,” said another.

Born and raised right here in Columbia, Brian lives with his two dogs and spends his free time hot-air ballooning. So if you see a giant white, blue and red balloon in the sky, wave hello – it just might be our Socketeer of the Year, working on his pilot’s license!

After 13 years at Socket, Brian’s enthusiasm and dedication to his work are just as strong as when he started, and we couldn’t be luckier to count him among our core networking team. Congratulations on your award, Brian, and thank you for all you do!