After our last show in Springfield, the drive to Jefferson City doesn’t seem nearly as long!

We’re getting ready for the “Takin’ Care of Business” Showcase, hosted by the Jefferson City Area Chamber of Commerce. The show is Thursday, October 25th, from 8:30 am until 5 pm, at the Capitol Plaza Hotel.

If you live in Millersburg or Fulton, MO within our fiber network, you may have seen your neighbors displaying one of our snappy little yard signs.

Our customers are helping us get the word out about construction going on in the area as we build our fiber-to-the-home network in rural Boone & Callaway counties.

Is your password on this list? Then you might want to change it.

According to SplashData, an online security company, the easiest way for a hacker to break into an account is to simply try common passwords. So if your password is, well, “password,” you’ve made a hacker’s job very, very easy.