Construction in Phase 2 continues east of Millersburg, MO and installations are going smoothly. A whopping 141,000 ft of fiber is now in the ground in Phase 2 and growing. 

Cabinets have been ordered for the northeast section of the Phase 2 area, which will connect light signals to a fiber hut near Fulton, MO. Fiber Internet and phone services will then be delivered via these light signals sent from a laser down fiber-optic glass lines the size of a human hair. 

Ronnie Mills Halloween Jason Costume Tyler Costume

To celebrate the season, we held a little costume contest here in the office. A few of the entries were pretty spooky… but for the most part, the costumes were more fun than frightful!

How was your Homecoming weekend? We had a great tailgate last weekend with plenty of hot dogs and brats to go around, and it was nice to celebrate our first SEC home game win on Homecoming Weekend!

We got started early with the 11 am kick-off time, and some of our team came over from the homecoming parade downtown.